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Our Home Care service supports seniors to continue living independently in their own homes.

Consumers aged 65 or older who have limited support networks can get the help they need through our Home Care service. The goal is to give older people support to remain an active participant in their community while also continuing to enjoy the comfort and familiarity of their own home.

The service also extends to supporting people who have aged prematurely, people with special care needs who are socially isolated and people who struggle to deal with the challenges of living on their own.

Our empathetic and caring Home Care staff work closely with service consumers to tailor personalised Home Care plans to meet each person’s specific needs. They also ensure plans are kept up to date and amended as required to meet each person’s evolving needs.

Our extensive list of Home Care services includes:

Domestic Support

  • Cleaning
  • Laundry
  • Meal preparation
  • Showering and personal care
  • Gardening
  • Handyman services

Community / Social

  • Transport
  • Shopping assistance
  • Social outings
  • Pet care
  • Equipment and supplies
  • Respite


  • Nursing
  • Physio
  • Podiatry
  • Occupational therapy
  • Dietitian
  • Medication support

Our Home Care service specifically caters to eligible applicants who are financially and socially disadvantaged, as well as those who have been referred by their GP or local hospital. Home Care applicants need to be assessed and approved as eligible by an Aged Care Assessment Team.

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This website has been funded by our major supporter, Lotterywest.