When people are ready to move out of their onsite supported accommodation at St Bart’s and into secure, sustainable housing in the community, our outreach services are there to support them.
Consumer-led support such as social assistance, goal planning, NDIS package application and implementation, referrals to relevant health and support services, assistance to access training and vocational upskilling, and tenancy support are available to help people sustain their tenancy in the community.

Reconnecting Lives Program
For the past four years, BHP has partnered with St Bart’s to deliver our Reconnecting Lives Program.

ReSet is a consortium led by the Wungening Aboriginal Corporation that supports people in prison in their preparation to re-enter society and also after they have left the justice system.
I was becoming overwhelmed and anxious with the struggles of everyday living. St Bart’s provided much needed care and support to help me in my own home. – Bob